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What is the age eligibility for an explorer?


The program is open to young men and women who have completed the eighth grade and are 14 years old, or are 15 years old but have not yet reached their 21st birthday.


When do we meet?


The Explorers have a weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 5:30pm-8:30pm. Location will be announced weekly.


Who do I contact for information?


Contact [email protected] or 530-642-4733


What are the goals and objectives of the Explorer Post?


The goal of the El Dorado Explorer Program is to provide career insights into the criminal justice field and is directed principally toward law enforcement. This goal is achieved by fulfilling the following specific objectives;

1. To provide training designated to teach the basic knowledge of a law enforcement explorer.

2. To provide non hazardless law enforcement experience to those young persons who have demonstrated sufficient interest by active participation in explorer activities.

3. To provide quality candidates for community service officer, deputy sheriff, correctional officer or other law enforcement or other law enforcement positions from young people in the community.


These objectives are to be achieved by individual responsibility. Identification and development of individual explorer leadership qualities is a primary concern of this program.


What type of events do the explorers participate in?


The El Dorado County Sheriff Explorers will participate in many different activities to include; basic law enforcement training, competitions, and a variety of community service events and/or fundraisers.


How can I utilize the El Dorado county Sheriff Explorers for events in the community?


The El Dorado County Sheriff Explorer Post can be utilized for community/private events by contacting a Post advisor. All events are community service by the explorers within the post. Donations are greatly appreciated to help further the Explorer program.

530-642-4733 or [email protected]