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Summary of Recent Classis Meeting

Kirk Gibbons and his wife, Melissa, receive his diploma from Rev. Klompien

Classis Report

Classis Report

Classis Central US of the URCNA

September 11-12, AD 2023


Delegates to the 56th meeting of Classis Central US gathered at the Redeemer United Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 11 and did not adjourn until early in the evening of the next day. After the opening preliminaries, classis began the candidacy exam of Mr. Kirk Gibbons, a member of Christ Reformed Church in Sioux Falls. Mr. Gibbons is a recent graduate of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was, prior to entering seminary, a teacher and school principal for about twenty years. Mr. Gibbons sustained his exam, and the Sioux Falls URC consistory may now declare him a candidate for the ministry.

Classis received greetings from eight sister churches. Seven fraternal delegates were present. They were Rev. Joseph Steenholdt for Classis Minnkota of the CRC, Rev. Greg Hoadley for the Presbytery of the Midwest of the OPC, Rev. Andrew W. Smyth for the Presbytery of the Dakotas of the OPC, Rev. Patrick Morgan for the Presbytery of Wisconsin and Minnesota of the OPC, Rev. Jonathan Haney for the Midwest Presbytery of the RPCNA, Rev. Dr. Maynard Koerner for the South Central Classis of the RCUS, and Rev. Richard Stetler for Covenant East Classis, RCUS. A letter of fraternal greeting was also read from Classis Manitoba of the Canadian Reformed Churches. The chairman appointed eight different members of classis to pray, one for each body after their greeting was received.

The Church Planting and Advisory committee distributed a newsletter describing a proposal being considered by the Cornerstone URC in Sanborn, Iowa, also described at length in the agenda. The proposal concerns doing ministry among the Latino population in Northwest Iowa. Approval was given to the proposal from the Cornerstone church – which includes extending a call to a Spanish speaking minister and a financial commitment from classis to assist.

Five overtures were considered. The first asked classis to ask synod to adopt pastoral advice regarding the relationship of church, state, and family. The second asked classis to ask synod to require that all reports to synod from synodical committees begin with a verbatim copy of the committee’s mandate. The third asked classis to dissolve the appointment of the consistory that has been appointed to supervise the classis website. The fourth asked classis to ask synod to dissolve the appointment of the consistory that has been appointed to supervise the federation website. The fifth asked classis to renew its benevolent support of an emeritus minister. All the overtures were approved.

Classis gave advice on a several discipline cases. Classis elected several classical functionaries including a new Stated Clerk, Rev. Greg Lubbers. Classis adjourned around 6:50 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 18-19, 2024, at Covenant Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa.



For further information, contact Rev. Greg Lubbers, Stated Clerk of Classis Central US,

at [email protected]

Please note that this report is an unofficial summary.

For the official and complete summary of business transacted at classis, see the official minutes of classis.